Sunday, October 6, 2024

Ayam dengan Itik bercakap.


Most of the time, I get my points across be it in writing or verbally or by way of gestures. People understood me, to certain extent. But there are times when I feel strongly about something, words, writing or gestures just fail to convey how I feel and why feel such feelings. I feel the choking limitations of human language. When that happens, I think to myself perhaps that is how those with speech impediments or those with hearing problems feel when they try to communicate without the benefit of sign language. We are just left either shouting to make ourselves understood or forcefully gesticulating to each other trying to communicate. All to no effect. The meeting of minds are just not there. The satellites are just not broadcasting, the antennas are  not picking up the signal. 


Trying to make our point to a person who has his or her mind made up. Shutters down and windows closed. What now?

Trying to get that client to settle their outstanding legal fees for work done.

Trying to reason with a mind clouded, nay, chock full of emotions.

It is frustrating. Infuriating.

Best we can do is cool down and to try and try again until the message gets across 

or just walk away and do something more productive with our life.




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