Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A case for Oaths


If you are a new or fairly new legal practitioner like me the closest you will get to oaths in your practice would be when you accompany a client over to a commissioner of oaths to have an Affidavit sworn (that’ll be 10 ringgit for the affidavit and further 5 for each exhibits) or Statutory Declaration and no actual oaths uttered by the said client but the Commissioner's rubber stamp deems it so.

It is either that or when you have a witness in the witness stand with his or her right hand raised, reading from a laminated piece of paper swearing to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Most of the time I’d use the time to double check their witness statement so that I can test whether they are telling the truth later during cross-examination or if it is my witness, whether there are additional questions to be slotted in somewhere. There always are.

In both cases whether it is before Commissioner of Oaths or swearing in on the witness stand, it is just a formality. Just something you had to do. There is no meaning or- even if there is one the meaning is long gone or only known to a few. That is oaths in practice for me so far.

Some time back, when I still had that embers of idealism burning somewhere, I spoke to my mentor about the admission oath I’ve seen in The Rain Maker. I asked, how come we don’t have the same kind of thing going on in our jurisdiction. Sure the Americans are big when it comes to their constitution. Just ask the gun-totting 2nd Amendment zealots. In the aforesaid movie it was the part of swearing to defend the Constitution that gets me all warm and fuzzy, and thinking.

Protecting the (Federal) Constitution

The Law is our stock and trade as practitioners and setting aside the question of Syariah Laws for a while, the Federal Constitution is the highest law (man-made law if you want to go there) of the Land. However, I find it odd that us legal practitioners do not have to swear to protect it when most laws we practice be it land law, criminal law, civil or even tax law derives its validity from it. Maybe because for most of us, it is an abstract concept, not a line of thinking worth pursuing owing to its little to none effect to profit or bottom line. That alone should be a good reason for a regular reminder of the relationship of legal practitioners with the Federal Constitution.

A timeless ritual for a new age

We have seen the legal profession to be slow in adopting to changes. Emails had been part and parcel of practicing for sometime and it took COVID19 pandemic for the decisions to be handed down by way of email out of necessity. Now, it’s a convenient choice. Prior to COVID19, online hearings were unheard of, now it is a norm. As for admissions to the Bar, during the pandemic lockdown, long calls were by way of ZOOM calls with the parents or spouse doing the robing of the newly minted member. Point being, great changes have been made in the ways we practice the law. Great progress some would say. With progress comes the shedding of the old and the new things put in place. Oaths, admission oaths to be exact to my knowledge is not a practice common to our jurisdiction but it can be a new one.

Enjoining the Good, discouraging Vice

In the lands where the Anglos had set foot and had colonists shipped in by the boatloads,  the admission oaths most of the time consists of expression of loyalty to the King or Queen of England. In a quainter age, the bulk of the admission oath consists of denouncing the Pope and heirs of the Stuart line. Just look at the Canadian admissions oath but it should not be an issue here in Malaysia. Though we share the Common Law, their King is not our own. We have our tengkolok wearing, kris-kissing High King of our own. Our own way to making High Kings out of Sultans with nary a need to denounce anyone or anything.

In my correspondence with Fahri over the matter of admissions oath the issue of why cropped up and my answer is as follows:

‘’the time for the Old Breed of lawyers and old ways of practicing the Law is ending, it is time for the new.  Yet, some things are timeless. Things like values. These values must remain entrenched and restated over and over again because in this age of light speed communication, AI and smartphones we tend to forget the important things especially things we cannot put a price tag on like values. 

The oath is a reminder for the new members and the old ones that there are lines we do not cross in our pursuit of bill payments and whatnot. This oath is an attempt to restore or rather to remind us the meaning of being a legal practitioner and that money while important is not the sole reason why one should become a legal practitioner.’’

And further:

‘’The modern age have diluted the power of words. But, the right words, at the right place, at the right time can imbue us with meaning and purpose. Maybe let us call the oath, An Advocate's Oath to make it applicable each and every member of the Bar so that instead of only pupils newly admitted to the Bar, all members of the Bar would raise their right hand and take the oath at every call. Imagine Fahri, a court room full of lawyers taking the oath.  For every pupil making the solemn oath, it marks the crossing of a threshold for them and at the same time, it is akin to handing them a to-do and not to-do list albeit in a ritualized manner. For every mover or master present, it is a reaffirmation of their duties. For the layperson attending, it would be their exposure to their rights as a client when hiring a lawyer and the responsibilities their lawyers owe to them and to fellow lawyers. Hopefully, some if not all the words of the oath would take root, remain lodged in their head like the lyrics of a favourite song and could become one of the things that keep them straight and narrow.’’

The discussion on admissions oath with Fahri culminated with the drafting of the oath itself or rather, in the words of Fahri: Why don’t you draft one? So I did. What I came up with was cumbrous and monstrously archaic just like my proposed accompanying ritual which involves the Judge pounding his gavel (if he has one) thrice and declaiming aloud: Bound! Bound ye all for all time!. Cumbrous, like I said. Thanks to Fahri, the oath matures into something that is common to all lawyers regardless of seniority, and without the drama. It became the Advocate & Solicitor’s Oath. He wrote about it here.

In this cynical age where even religion and beliefs are subjected to commodification (re: billboards advertising the sale of Air yang dibacakan 30 Juzuk Al Quran some time back), a way must be found, that ‘’something’’ to uphold the common values like honesty, courage and integrity without having to resort to sermonizing to one’s own flock the same old tired sermon. A timeless ritual that transcends race, religion or age and yet shared by all practitioners. I believe the Advocate & Solicitor’s Oath to be just that. A constant reminder for practitioners, because for all the alarms and reminders we set on our smartphones we remain forgetful creatures in constant need of reminder.

Of course there is a danger that the Oath to be nothing more than lines to be parroted by all practitioners as and when necessary, like the Rukun Negara to schoolkids but us Legal Practitioners should never forget that words have power of their own. Their own magic. Especially words uttered aloud. 

They bind you.





Thursday, December 19, 2024

Going On

According to a study conducted by the American Bar Association (ABA) in 2016, 28% of attorneys experience depression, 19% experience anxiety and 23% experience chronic stress.

In a survey conducted by Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the ABA, 21% of attorneys qualify as problem drinkers, 28% struggle with depression and 19% struggle with anxiety.

In a 2016 survey, out of sample of 12,825 attorneys, 11.9 % reported suicidal thoughts, 2.9% reported self-injurious behaviour and 0.7% reported at least 1 prior suicide attempts.

These are all American statistics from 2016. At the time of writing, I did not find any statistics on substance abuse among Malaysian lawyers just as there are no statistics on suicides among Malaysian lawyers. All we have are newspaper reports from time to time of fellow practitioner ending their life. No statistics. None that I know of. We ought to have it. So that we can know exactly the price to pay for practicing law.

Ours is a profession of constant stress. The demands can be unrealistic at times. Lawyers deal with the problem of others, some life-threatening. Some, to their legal person, to their property. In doing so we are exposed to the darker impulses of humanity. Their most base desires brought to light. In this, the lawyers are expected to set aside their own prejudices and represent the client no matter how detestable or depraved the client or the instruction is. Innocent until proven guilty. All have fair chance for their day in court or for representation.

Alongside that we also carry the hopes and expectations of the client as well ours in hopes of fair resolution by the judiciary (or other tribunal) though from time to time those hopes are dashed, smashed.  These strain our body and mind. We are constantly looking for outlets to get the stress out of our system. Exercise can help, so does time but not all the time. 

It occurred to me that perhaps those legal fees we receive are not for the work done. The fees are compensation for the irreversible changes made to our psyche, to our outlook on life itself, to our health. Price for many scars you accumulate over the years, Weregild for one of many small deaths we suffer throughout practice for Death is the running theme in legal practice. We wear black and white most of the time. Death of sleep. Death of balanced diet. Death of our innocence. Death of sobriety. Death of hope. So, if you are going to lose parts of you, to suffer a thousand little deaths for a case, you better be damned well compensated for it.

Once while walking through the corridors of KL Court, I overheard two senior lawyers talking about a freshly called lawyer far ahead of us, prancing about in her robes, a bouquet of flowers in arms, posing all here and there. ‘’So full of enthusiasm’’ remarked Senior Lawyer 1. Senior Lawyer 2 merely grunted in affirmation. Senior Lawyer 1’s remark sounds wistful, wishful and sarcastic all at once and I don’t think the sarcasm was intended. He sounds like the faucet that once gave a clear stream of hope and enthusiasm within him had been discharging nothing but muddy resignation. His reservoir of hope all silted up. I hope to never end up like him but, I get him.

Maybe the years have slowly chipped away at his psyche, his faith in fellow Man until all that remains of a practitioner is that cynical, world-weary husk they show to the world. Those are the burdens we chose to carry for some fees. Because of that it is no surprise that some practitioners find solace in substances and perhaps privately entertained the thought of ending it all.

There are days when the pressure gets too much to bear. Those would be the days I sought company from my closest friends who also practice the law. Group therapy of sorts. My support system. It is important. Talking it out with trusted few. It keeps at bay the brooding thoughts of despair and reminds you that you are not alone in your struggle because sometimes a spouse or our parents might not get why we feel the way we feel and why we go through what we went through but a brother or sister practitioner might.

If you do not have close friends to talk to then utilize the counseling services Malaysian Bar had been providing these past few years. According to the FAQ, the first 5 sessions are free. I cannot speak of the efficacy of the service because the one time I needed to use it, all but one panel counselor on the list for my state did not answer my phone call. The one that did said she did not have free time unless it is between 7 and 8 am in the morning. Maybe it was just wrong timing for me. But all is not lost.

If the humankind is too busy for you then talk to your pet(s). It sounds kooky but I find that talking it out might not solve all the problem but it can help you deal with it better. I have no experience with dogs but I do know that the motorboat purring of a cat can do wonders to calm you down and same goes to talking to them.

If you are a believer, then pray and talk to God or any deity of your faith. Sometimes unseen problems require equally unseen assistance. Someone out there will answer it is a matter of when.

Point is, talk it out. If you do not feel like talking then write it down. Maybe it won’t solve your issues but you will feel better. Writing down the problem is the first stage of solving it.  No one has to see what you wrote down. Double or triple encode it in cipher, write it down in Sanskrit or a dead language, or burn after writing. Just get it out. It helps.

Being out and about, surrounded by nature also helps. Take a walk in the park in the evenings or in the morning (whenever possible), stare at trees and kids and old folks doing their thing at the park. That kultus matahari thing that was a thing a while back did have some grain of truth in it. Getting the morning or late evening sun as much as possible will make you feel good and wholesome. I can confirm it.

To be clear and as a disclaimer, all the above paragraphs about talking, writing it out and being out and about could not constitute a sound medical advice from me but it works for me, to some degree. Maybe it could do some good for you, maybe it won’t. The thing to bear in mind is that if overwhelming despair hits you and you do not think that you can bear it to the point that you have entertained the idea of ending it all to the point of planning it even if for a brief moment: Get help immediately. Call someone. Go to your nearest Klinik Kesihatan or clinic, tell them you need help. They will know what to do.

The practice of law is demanding. The Law after all is a jealous mistress but that should not be a good reason to forget that you are human after all, there are limits to what you can do.


You are not alone. You will get through this.

It is both a hope and a prayer, from a fellow practitioner.

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